Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ask for spiritual healing when you need it

This morning my energy felt heavy - it is raining again and my sister in law, who is staying with us, has swine flu. During meditation I asked for healing for her, for my family and for myself. I asked my guides to prevent me getting swine flu as I am doing regressions this week.

Suddenly purple light poured in, along with flashes of brilliant golden light. It was so bright I quickly opened my eyes to see if the sun had come out, but no. My guides said to relax while they healed me. I felt my energy levels rise, and now I feel fine again.

I know, with all my heart, that we are energy beings. I never get ill, but last year I became depressed and contracted influenza. Try to keep your energy positive and loving, and if fear/negativity creeps in, ask your guides for healing. 'Ask and ye shall receive.' Do try it.

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